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22 October 2020
Focused Technical Workshop - Remote Handling

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Focused Technical Workshop Remote Handling

Join our technical workshop to explore the technical challenges and projects in remote handling in Big Science facilities.

Remote handling plays an important role at Big Science facilities, particularly in radioactive environments where access by personnel is limited. Remote handling can be used for inspections, repair and other interventions.

In this workshop we invite industry and academia to meet with representatives from the facilities for constructive discussions on remote handling, including an update on the current challenges and needs.

At the end of the workshop there will be opportunities for multiple 1-to-1 meetings through the matchmaking tool b2match. Specific needs for upcoming projects can be announced in the Marketplace.

The workshop is free of charge, but advance registration  is required.

Closed since 22 October 2020
Sweden 32
Germany 3
France 2
United Kingdom 2
Finland 1
Switzerland 1
Ukraine 1
Total 42
Company (SME <250) 12
University & Institute 11
Big Science facility 7
Company ( ≥250) 6
Government & Agency 4
Other 2
Total 42
Profile views
Before event 208
After event 18
Total 226